Concert Band
The Concert Band provides the platform for students to learn a variety of wind, brass and percussion instruments. These include trumpet, clarinet, horn, xylophones and drums.
Our members learn to appreciate various music genres and work as a team to perform and create wonderful music. Through these activities, our students develop the 21st Century Competencies such as collaboration, teamwork and leadership.
Our Concert Band members performed at various platforms namely school-based and public performances such as National Day Observance Celebration and Annual Award Ceremony.
In 2022, the Concert Band CCA participated in the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Presentation.
This year, the Concert Band CCA will be taking part in the SYF 2024.
Teachers-in-charge of Concert Band:
Mdm Maryana Bte Mohamad
Mdm Lydia Tan Mee Mee
Mdm Nashitah Fikriyah
Mdm Noorhaslin Abas
Mdm Amerah Begum
Miss Cindy Soh