Floorball (Boys)
Floorball in Casuarina Primary School focuses on developing the students in the knowledge and skills of Floorball. Besides knowledge and skills, the CCA emphasizes on the school’s GREAT values and character development for holistic development.
In Floorball, we develop our students to be resilient and be imbibed in the values of sportsmanship and teamwork, crucial in contributing to their growth and learning.
Our Floorball boys will have the opportunity to participate in The National School Games Floorball Championships Senior and Junior Divisions and other competitions.
Other opportunities for students to interact and bond with one another through fun and engaging activities are also provided.
Teachers-in-charge of Floorball (Boys):
Miss Lim Shu Hui
Miss Regina Lim
Miss Alicia Yap Sheng Ru
Floorball (Girls)
Floorball is a fast and intense game because of the speed and variability during the matches. Through commitment, discipline, teamwork and skill, Floorball CCA strives to instill in the players the determination to be the best that they can be.
It also develops the students holistically through training sessions, competitions and platforms. In addition, the CCA offers meaningful opportunities for students to develop their leadership.
Our Floorball Girls CCA will have the opportunity to participate in The National School Games Floorball Championships Senior and Junior Divisions and other competitions.
Teachers-in-charge of Floorball (Girls):
Mdm Faridah Yahya
Ms Vivien Tan
Mdm Asmah Bte Buang